2014년 1월 22일 수요일

BARINAMO is the dance artist duo
of Bari Kim and Namo. 

movement research.

Certified Somatic Movement Educator(SME) of  School for Body-Mind Centering®(BMC) 

 BARINAMO has been researching and working with Poong-gyung.

Poong-gyung is BARINAMO’s own artistic theme and question about  materialization of changes / physical, anatomical and metaphorical body / movement of the embodied being / the expressive state of the environment as a conscious body.

 BARINAMO has been making variable art forms including performance, improvisation, installation,video and movement research in Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Portugal, Canada as well as Korea.

Bari Kim---> 
Namo Joo--->.

email: barinamoproject@gmail.com



Art work

2024.6.24. Imrpvisation Performance (I) / UrBANGUILD, Kyoto 

2024. 4. 6 sound hears sound (S) / 

2024.6.9. Phsical Space 5 (C&D) / Studio Radishfield, Jeju 

2024.5.16. Seoul International Imrpvisation Dance Festival _ Opnning Performance (I) / NamSan Gukakdang, Seoul

2023.12.29~30. Lake in the Lake (C&D)/ DAEHAKRO ARTS THEATER

2023.11.4. SS:umic Festival (I) / SEONG-SU BREWERY, Seoul

2023.10.14. 2047♥ (S) / Maaanhorsepower, Jeju. 

2023.10.3. Phsical Space 4 (C&D) / COCIETY,Seoul 

2023.9.8. Imrpvisation Performance (I) _ SIDANCE FESTIVAL / Ghetto Alive,Seoul

2023.7.7. wilderness (C&D) / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts

2023.4~5. Anarchic Quartet (C&D) / Shinchon Art Space 

2023.3.29~4.2. Calling Name (C&D) / Sinchon Theater

2023.2.10. Blackrabbit10thfebruary (S) / GO, Seoul. 

2023.1.20. 過歲問安 (I) / 木各美術陽明山,TAIWAN

2022.10.10~10.23. Impvisation Performance (I),(S) / Studio Silk, Sweden .

2022.10.3. Physical Space in Jeju (C&D) / StudioRadishField, jeju.

2022.9.25. Physical Space 3 (C&D) / JudoYMCA, Seoul.

2023.9.13~23. 춤추는섬

2022.6.5. BODY POEM (C&D) / Inchen Aer Platform.

2022.4.24. TwoHeart (S) / Gong Gan2, Seoul. 

2022.3.27. SHINBI BAND_TwoHeart (S) / SAPY, Seoul.  music


Seoul, Korea

(Contact Improvisation).Seoul, Korea
신촌극장, Seoul

Mar. 2021
Anarchic Ritual, Seoul

Dec 2020
가무 GAMU2

Oct 2020


4 Oct 2020
(Contact Improvisation).Seoul, Korea

Review / Okju Son-->

2 Aug~15Aug 2020 
춤추는 섬3:표현하는 몸   Expressive Body
(Research workshop+performance)

22Feb. 2020
FLUID BODY_Three Solos
Ponto de Encintro,Almad, Portugal

23 Nov.2019
Jeudo, Korea

27 Oct. 2019
Anarchic Salon
Jejudo, Korea

26 Oct. 2019
Jejudo, Korea

12 Aug~30Aug 2019 
춤추는 섬2:시간을 품은 몸   Embryology & Dance
(Research workshop+performance)

20July~2July 2019
Support and Expression with Poong-gyung in Lisbon
Lisbon, Portugal

21June ~22June 2019
Support and Expression with Poong-gyung in Seoul.
Seoul, Korea

18May ~19May 2019
Support and Expression in Busan.
Busan, Korea

18 Feb ~ 24 Feb. 2019
'La Punta' Collaborative Research project
Lagos, Portugal

29 Sep ~ 15 Dec. 2018
춤추는 섬 Dancing Island


11 Aug. 2018
별의정원 Jardim da estrela in seoul


4 July. 2018
Fourth sound / Somatic sound+Performance
One Month Festival 2018

24  Feb. 2018
Jardim da Estrela 별의 정원
 / MIIM(movement installation-installation movement)

12,13 Dec. 2017
Canção da Vida  깐쏭다비다 / Perforrmance
 Seoul, Korea  

Aug. 2017
Third sound / Somatic sound+Performance
One Month Festival 2017

26~29 July 2017
 changes of change  변화의변화들 / Exhibition+Performance
Seoul, Korea


July. 2017
Second sound / Somatic sound+Performance

Dec. 2016
First sound / Somatic sound+Performance

20 June 2016
Every Body is a Poong-Gyung / Performance
 Montreal, Canada

30,31 Oct. 2015  / 28 Nov. 2015  / 4, 5 Dec.2015 
Every Body has a wind 누구나 부는 노래 / Performance
 jeju / Busan / Seoul , Korea


Walking on the road / Video+Performance
Werkstatt Engel,Germany

13~23 Oct. 2014
May Ritual / Ritual Performance
Werkstatt Engel,Germany

27 Sep. 2014
N18Evoramonte / Exhibition+Performance
       Evoramonte, Portugal      

5~25 Sep. 2014
Artharvest-Harvestart /Landart+Performance
Evoramonte, Portugal

23 Sep. 2014
Poong-gyung in Evoramonte / Performance
                           Evoramonte , Portugal          

3~31 Aug. 2014
Installation+Video / Czech Republic


Poong-gyung book/풍경책 / Book

Meal / Video+Performance
Czech Republic, Portugal, Germany, Korea







21, 28 March / 4 April 2014
Samdal-ro 200 / Dance Performance
Jeju , Korea
           :Theatre version image
:site-specific version image
     -<video clip>

Improvisation work

4. Dec. 2021 / Jazz Korea_Dance&Music Iprovisation Perfoemance / Jazz Korea _Youtybe online_Germany, Korea
2 Dec 2021 / Dance&Music Iprovisation Perfoemance / cafedongbaeck, Jeju
19 Nov. 2021 / Dance&Music Iprovisation Perfoemance / Studio Log, Seoul
14 Apr. / Dance&Music Iprovisation Perfoemance / Dovana, Jeju
4~6 Dec 2020 / Improvisation Jeju Camp / Jeju
2 Dec 2020 / Dance&Music Iprovisation Perfoemance / Bistro the barn, Jeju
22,24,25 April 2020 / opnning,collaboration,Contact improvisation / Seoul international improvisation festival
28 Oct.~4 Nov. 2018/ Research,Performance,workshop / Asia improvisation art exchange / Seoul
29 Sep.2018 / Performance / Artscenic community party / Jeju
28 Sep,2018 / Performance / Monthly performance / Seoul
28 May.2018 /Contact improvisation / Jeju international improvisation festival / Jeju
28 April 2018 / Contact improvisation /  Seoul international improvisation festival / Seoul
26 May.2017 /Contact improvisation / Jeju international improvisation festival / Jeju


Artist residency  

2021 <Seoul dance center>: Poetree-Physical2 _Artist residency / Seoul, Korea
2020 <Seoul dance center>: Poetree-Physical space-Gamu, Artist residency / Seoul, Korea
2020 <Clrariana> : Fluid Echo Artist residency / Barcelona, Spain
2020 <Rua das Gaivotas> : Fluid Body_Artist residency / Libon, Portugal
2019 <Seoul dance center>: Support & Expression by BARINAMO, Artist residency / Seoul, Korea
2018 < interdisciplinary incubator 2018 >/ se.s.ta / Zdar, Czech republic
2014 <OBRAS Portugal>:Body landscape research by BARINAMO , Artist residency/ Evoramonte, Portugal
2014 :<Meetinginzdonov>:Bodylandscape research by BARINAMO art residency / Zdonov, Czech republic 
2014 Werkstatt Engel-Body landscape research / Artist residency, Germany

BARINAMO workshop 

27 Nov.2021 / Contact improvisation / Jejudo,Korea
30~31 Oct.2021 / 뼈:패러다임의 전환 / Jejudo,Korea
16~17 Oct.2021 / Dancing Hands, Dancing feet / Seoul, Korea
17 Feb~5May / 음악적 공동체로서의 춤 / Jejudo,Korea
16 Oct ~27 Nov: 몸의 연주Jejudo,Korea
2 ~15Aug / Expressive Body 표현하는 몸 / Jejudo,Korea
9 June~16 July / Practice / Jejudo,Korea
17~21 Feb / Fluid Body / Teatro da Voz,Lisbon
6 Feb / Beath&Voice / Somatische Akademie,Berlin 
26 Nov~19Dec2019 / Contact imrovisation / Jejudo, Korea
18~22 Nov 2019 / Flow / Jejudo, Korea
2~3 Nov 2019 / Organ &Dance / Seoul, Korea
29 Sep 2019 / 발생학 / Seoul,Korea
12~30 Aug 2019 / Embryoiogy &Dance:시간을품은몸 / Jejudo,Korea
15,16 Jun 2019 / Muscle and dance / Seoul, Korea
20 Jan 2019 / Anatomy Jam / Madrid,Spain
22,23 Dec 2018 / Nervous system / Seoul,Korea
2 Nov 2018 / Bones & Joint / Seoul,Korea
15 Aug 2018 / Lung & Heart,Developmental process & Pelvis / Seoul, korea
28 May 2018 / Brain and Spinal cord / Jeju-do, Korea
27 April 2018 / Body Fluid / Seoul, Korea
22~26 Jan 2018 / Fluid Contemplation / Lisbon, Portugal
11 Nov. 2017 / Embodying dance / Busan, Korea
Jun.July.Aug.Sep 2017 / body tuning / Jejudo, Korea
2~30 May 2015/ Body through the movement / Jejudo, Korea

organizing festival & workshop 

Samdal art festival

 <섬공부/Research in the Island>
                             18~22  Dec. 2014           <detail>


                               6~9 July 2013        <detail> 

Body-Mind Centering® in Jeju 

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen Workshop
20~22 May 2016